2016 Downtown Lecture Series
October 26, 2016
with David Cuillier, Emma Llansó , & Jack Gillum
In the digital world, we leave a trail of photos, videos, conversations, and other information that can be easily obtained and posted online for everyone to see forever. For journalists trying to hold governments and corporations accountable, this information can be helpful in exposing wrongdoing. For private citizens and celebrities, however, the online publication of personal information can be devastating. In the complicated information age, how do we balance the public’s right to know with the individual’s right to privacy?
About the Speakers
David Cuillier is director of the UA School of Journalism, where he teaches and researches media law, access to government records, data analysis, and public affairs reporting. He is former president of the Society of Professional Journalists and co-author of “Transparency 2.0: Digital Data and Privacy in a Wired World.”
Emma Llansó is director of the Free Expression Project with the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), which works to promote law and policy that support users’ free expression rights in the United States and around the world. She leads CDT’s work in advancing speech-protective policies aimed at ensuring that online expression receives the highest level of protection under the First Amendment.
Jack Gillum is an Associated Press reporter for the Washington, D.C. investigations desk covering privacy, technology, and surveillance. He relies on databases and programming to sift through the massive world of information. He broke the story that Hillary Clinton used a private email server at her home and he mined information on Instagram to track Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock's spending. While at USA Today, he pursued data-driven investigations into standardized test cheating. He has also reported for the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, his hometown.