3-3-3: SBS Core Series
Being part of the College of SBS is about more than having an SBS major. It means experiencing the breadth of the various ways people study and reflect on the human experience. It means understanding world cultures and diverse perspectives. It means being prepared when you graduate with a set of core skills and hands-on experiences that will successfully launch you into the world.
Learn more about how 3-3-3 Core – three, 3-unit courses required for graduation – set you on a path to success. This requirement begins for students starting in fall 2024 and on.
Course #1: Explore SBS
The cool thing about the College of SBS is that we offer classes on a broad range of topics. Do you want to write poetry, learn about climate change, or explore disease and human evolution? We got you.
College is the perfect time to explore topics you are curious about. Branching out of your comfort major will provide you with a broader skill set and train you to be a more flexible thinker (not to mention a more fascinating person at a cocktail party).
We recommend this 3-unit course in your first year, when you may be searching for a major, a double major, a minor, or just a cool class! Consider a double major/minor that provides a different skill set than your primary major to help you stand out from the crowd during graduate school or job-hunting season.
- AIS 160A1: Many Nations of Native America
- ANTH 150B1: Many Ways of Being Human
- COMM 101: Intro to Study of Communication
- ENGL 300: Literature and Film
- GWS 200: Gender, Identity, and Power
- GEOG 150B2: Crime and the City
- GLS 250: Dimensions of Globalization: States, Societies, and Institutions
- HIST 301: Introduction to the Study of History
- HRTS 200: Introduction to Human Rights
- JOUR 150C1: News in Society
- JUS 301: Jewish Civilization - A Gateway Course
- LAS 150B1: Modern Latin America - Race, Rights, and Revolution
- LING 114: How to Learn a Foreign Language
- MAS 265: Culture, Community, and Identity
- MENA 277B: History of the Middle East
- PHIL 150B1: Personal Morality
- POL 205: The American Presidency
- SOC 150B1: Social Issues
Course #2: Connect to Culture
The Connect to Culture Course allows you to take that fascinating class you've been eyeing on, say, Native American Arts in Film, Communication and Culture, or Women in Judaism.
One of the strengths of the College of SBS is our rich offering of classes that explore various cultures, world regions, and populations. This course requirement ensures you have global thinking and intercultural competency skills under your belt before you graduate. Not only will these skills make you a better world citizen, but they are also in demand by employers who do business in a global economy and engage with a diverse workforce and customer base.
We recommend this 3-unit course in your sophomore or junior year.
- AIS 220: Contemporary American Indian Issues
- ANTH 325: Bodies in Medicine
- COMM 117: Intercultural Communication
- ENGL 248B: Fairy Tales
- GWS 150B4: Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
- GEOG 312: Native American Geography
- GLS 251: Dimensions of Globalization: Languages, Literature, and Culture
- HIST 160C1: Making of American Cultures, 1600-1877
- HRTS 320: Gender-Based Violence and Human Rights
- BJOUR 410: Latinx and the News Media in the United States
- JUS 384: International Human Rights
- LAS 230: Latin America Food and Culture
- LING 320: Language and Social Issues
- MAS 365: Latinos and Latinas: Emerging Contemporary Issues
- MENA 160A2: Middle Eastern Humanities
- PHIL 268: Asian Philosophy
- POL 204: Comparative Politics in the Age of Globalization
- SOC 260: Race & Ethnic Relations
- SBS 302: Foundations of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Course #3: Skill Up
Now it’s time to apply what you’ve learned in your major and gain the hands-on experience you need for your career launch after graduation. Your Skill Up course could be an experiential learning course, study abroad, undergraduate research, internship, or a career prep course.
The goal is to set you up with the applied skills and resume building projects that will help you hit the ground running after graduation. This 3-unit course is recommended for your senior year.
- AIS 225: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Mainstream and Indigenous
- ANTH 333: Introduction to Archaeological Analysis
- ANTH 407: Ethnographic Field Methods
- ANTH 468: Human Osteology
- CHS 411: Careers in the Helping Professions
- COMM 201: Introduction to Public Relations
- COMM 393: Internship
- ENGL 490: Career and Professional Development for English Majors
- ENGL 495: Career and Professional Development for Creating Writing Majors
- GWS 358: US-3rd World Feminisms: Theory, History, Practice
- GEOG 222: Working with Numeric, Spatial, and Visual Data: Fundamental Geographic Techniques
- GEOG 497F: Community and School Garden Workshop
- GEOG 357: Geographical Research Methods
- GLO 407: Building Digital Audiences
- HIST 102: Tucson Matters - Making History with Community Museums
- HIST 302U: Creating a Digital Past
- HIST 354: US History for Future Educators
- HRTS 402: Skills for Human Rights
- JOUR 455: Environmental Journalism
- JOUR 486: Health Journalism
- LAS 405: Sabores de México
- LAS 466: Race and Racism in Latin America
- LAS 495F: Colloquium in Latin American Studies
- LING 150C1: Linguistics in the Digital Age
- MAS 150B: Social Justice
- PHIL 321: Medical Ethics
- PHIL 322: Business Ethics
- PHIL 323: Environmental Ethics
- POL 397B: The Origins of Data in Politics & Policy
- SOC 397A: Poverty in Tucson Field Workshop
- SOC 393: Internship
- SBS 311: Design your Life
- SBS 411: Design your Search
- SBS 350: Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud for Multimedia Projects
- SBS 393: Internship