POWER REPRESENTED: An Interview with Indigenous Actress Yalitza Aparicio


Yalitza Aparicio
Michelle Tellez


POWER REPRESENTED: An Interview with Indigenous Actress Yalitza Aparicio 
October 29, 2020| 5:30 p.m.
Michelle Téllez

Actress, educator, and activist Yalitza Aparicio has broken many barriers, including being the first Indigenous woman nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Roma. She is also the new UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Indigenous Peoples. In a wide-ranging interview, Michelle Téllez, assistant professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies, will talk to the actress about her childhood, her experiences with discrimination, her role as Cleo in the movie Roma, the importance of representation, and her activism for domestic workers and Indigenous Peoples. 

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About the Speakers

Michelle Téllez is an assistant professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies. Téllez has been committed to mapping projects of resistance, exploring shared human experiences, and advancing social justice for the last 25-years. As an interdisciplinary scholar, she writes about transnational community formations (and disruptions), Chicana mothering, and gendered migration. Her work has been published in book anthologies, academic journals, and online outlets.

Yalitza Aparicio is a Mexican actress who made her film debut as Cleo in Alfonso Cuarón's 2018 drama Roma, which earned her a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. Aparicio, who holds a degree in early childhood education, is the first Indigenous woman and the second Mexican woman to receive a Best Actress Oscar nomination. An educator and activist, Aparicio is the new UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Indigenous Peoples. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019.


Free admission with registration.
YouTube premiere every Thursday in October at 5:30 p.m. AZ Time

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