UA Social Science Programs Shine in Recent Shanghai Rankings

Programs in the UA College of Social and Behavioral Sciences have been recognized by the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities.
The UA earned a top-10 placement in library and information science, finishing 9th in the world and second among Pac-12 peers. The UA's Department of Communication finished No. 16 globally and No. 1 in the Pac-12, as well. Public administration placed No. 37 in the world, 12th nationally.
SBS faculty, including those in the School of Geography and Development, also contributed to the UA’s No. 1 ranking in water resources and No. 30 ranking in earth sciences.
The Shanghai ARWU subject rankings score more than 1,200 global universities based on the number of papers authored by an institution in an academic subject, the ratio of citation of papers published to the average citations of papers in the same category, the number of papers published in top journals, the amount of international collaboration and the total number of staff members that have won significant awards.
Shanghai ARWU ranks 54 programs five categories – natural sciences, engineering, life sciences, medical sciences and social sciences.
Excerpted from UA News story