Tenacity Propels Care, Health and Society Major to Second Chance at Degree: Iliana Loera, '22

Iliana Loera
Iliana Loera, who is graduating with a 4.0 GPA in Care, Health & Society, is the recipient of the SBS Tenacity Award for fall 2022. This award recognizes a graduating senior in the College of SBS who has persevered in the face of significant adversity to earn their university degree.
Iliana first attended the University of Arizona in 2008 after high school. Iliana's parents lived in Mexico, she was working full-time, managing her own living situation, and trying to adjust to college. The transition was overwhelming, and she began failing her courses, ultimately dropping out.
Iliana found a job in the health field, working as an office manager for a pediatric dentistry office. During the COVID pandemic, Iliana decided to return to school to advance her career in the helping professions. So, in 2020, Iliana began attending community college at Arizona Western and in 2021, returned to the University of Arizona with the assistance of the Second Start Program.
An online student from Yuma, Iliana excelled at UArizona, all the while maintaining her full-time employment and caring for two young daughters.
“Iliana has been a very diligent student. She is very organized and proactive with her work and scheduling courses,” said academic advisor Shery Crater. “She persevered to graduate even earlier than her original plan.”
“Iliana has demonstrated academic excellence throughout her tenure in the CHS program,” said Carrie Langley, director of the Care, Health & Society major and one of Iliana’s instructors. “Iliana has consistently approached all course work with curiosity and seeks out innovative ways to engage and share with her colleagues. Iliana's signature project for a 400-level course was one of the top three I've had the privilege of reviewing.”
Iliana said she has nothing but good things to say about her SBS and her CHS experience.
"Shery [Crater] never had a problem helping me move things around so that it could adjust to my busy schedule, and I always felt really comfortable sharing everything with her," Iliana said. "Carrie [Langley] teaches in a way that gets you interested. I took all her CHS courses and enjoyed every single one of them. She also opened my eyes and helped me see all the opportunities I have with CHS."
“Iliana experienced adversities in her first year at the University of Arizona and made the decision to leave to address them,” wrote Sociology Professor Brian Mayer. “Yet she returned, all the while facing additional adversity from the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did she persevere and return to our program, but she did so while earning a 4.0 and standing out in the classroom. She is an excellent student and will, no doubt, continue to persevere as she advances to new opportunities.”
Next, Ilana will be pursuing an M.S. at the Eller College of Management to further grow in the medical field.
"My goal is to help those who need it the most in this field, and I intend to better the professional leadership responsibilities of the people I work with," Iliana said. "Growth is what I seek, and growth is what I will get as long as I am dedicated to my work, dreams, friends, and most importantly my family and God."