World Arabic Language Day: UArizona Undergraduates Shine at U.S. Universities Arabic Debating Championship

Mackenzie Rice, Ibrahim Ramadan, and Yin Qin
December 18 marks World Arabic Language Day. In October, three undergraduate students from the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (MENAS) — Mackenzie Rice and Yin Qin — both Arabic majors in MENAS and students in the UArizona Arabic Flagship Program, and Ibrahim Ramadan, an Arabic minor in MENAS, competed as a group and won a round of debate at the 4th Annual U.S. Universities Arabic Debating Championship at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Ibrahim Ramadan and Mackenzie Rice shared their experiences debating a challenging topic with native and non-native Arabic speakers.
“Although there were definitely a lot of nerves, it was a great way to get me thinking on my feet quickly using the Arabic language," said Ramadan. “I had a great time meeting other Arabic speakers representing various universities, language levels, and backgrounds. It was also a great avenue for me to deepen my appreciation for the Arabic language and all its complexities.”
About the round their team won, Rice added, “The topic was about whether surgeons and doctors should be allowed to use the organs of deceased donors, without the consent of the patient or family. And actually, we had the easier side to debate!”
Congratulations to these three amazing Wildcats!