The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences is pleased to invite you, your friends, and family to our Fall 2022 Convocation Recognition Ceremony.
Saturday | December 17 | 2:00 p.m. (AZ time)
Centennial Hall | University of Arizona Campus
We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments!
All guests will be required to follow campus health and safety protocols in place at the time of this event as well as adhere to any existing state and local guidelines. In addition, this event may be canceled or changed on short notice due to public health circumstances. Please refer to the Campus Health COVID-19 Information and Resource Hub for guidance for additional information..
Questions? Please contact SBS-Convocation@arizona.edu
Undergraduate Career Destinations
Complete the survey and let us know where wonder leads you.
As a future grad, you have access to a powerful network of UArizona Alumni across the country.
Maintain the valuable connections you made as an undergrad and expand your network through the BearDown Network!
Expand your Wildcat network and elevate your career.
Mentorship opportunities, professional resources and an alumni job board — find it all in this online community exclusive to Wildcats!
- Visit https://career.arizona.edu/ for up to date resources and opportunities you can access after graduation and continue to check Handshake for job postings and access other career development resources including:
- Arizona’s Career Mixer (Virtual Career Fair): June 10, 2021
Build the Skill: A series of self-paced and fully-online modules emphasizing in-demand professional skills
Design Your Search: Also fully online, but more geared towards students in the processes of looking for employment, post-graduation
- UANews Article - A piece about navigating the job market in turmoil. It includes great tips! - https://uanews.arizona.edu/story/navigating-job-market-turmoil-tips-uarizona-expert
2022 CLASS!
We would love to see your celebrations, so be sure to share your graduation posts with us on social media.