Jason Baran

Jason Baran is the Director of State Government Affairs for the Salt River Project (SRP), a community-based, not-for-profit public power utility and water provider. SRP is the largest electricity provider in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, serving approximately 1.1 million customers.
He leads a team that advances SRP’s comprehensive public policy interests and corporate strategy at the Legislature and Governor’s Office, as well as among public power entities in Arizona. Previously, Jason also led SRP’s public policy engagement with the cities, towns and counties. Prior to joining SRP, he led legislative relations and public policy engagement for the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA), the association of the ten valley SRP water cities, and advanced state, federal and business relations for the City of Tucson, Arizona. His two decades of public policy experience include significant emphasis on the areas of energy, water, environment, fiscal policy, economic development, project siting, and land use.
Jason earned a master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and German Studies, both from The University of Arizona. He serves on the Arizona State Debt Oversight Committee, the Board of Directors for the Arizona Tax Research Association and is the co-chair of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce’s Budget & Tax Committee. Jason resides in Phoenix, Arizona.