Jeannine E. Relly

Jeannine E. Relly is Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Advancement in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. She serves as a member of the Dean’s Leadership Team and collaborates on and oversees faculty recruitment strategies and retention efforts in the College. She also provides oversight on promotion and tenure processes, mentorship programming, and faculty professional development in the College. Dr. Relly works closely with the Dean and senior leadership on initiatives related to fostering a culture of belonging across the College.
Dr. Relly is a Professor in the School of Journalism with a courtesy appointment in the School of Government and Public Policy. She previously led the Studies of Global Media Programs in the College and served as Director of Global Initiatives for the Center for Border and Global Journalism, which she co-founded with fellow faculty members. Dr. Relly is an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and the Graduate Human Rights Practice Program. She also serves on the Humanitarian Assistance Technical Support Faculty. She is a former Fulbright Scholar who conducted research in India.
Professor Relly’s research focuses on global and domestic influences on media, building and sustaining media in precarious environments, and challenges to democratic institutions, including freedom of expression and access to public information in countries that often are in conflict, post-conflict, or in political or economic transition. Her research studies collective action and influences of global networks and social movements on freedom of expression and information rights. She also has a line of research focused on formal and informal institutions related to democratic governance, including issues related to public corruption, whistleblower protection and disinformation.
Dr. Relly has worked with collaborators on research, educational partnerships and outreach in Afghanistan, Costa Rica, India, Iraq, Mexico, Peru, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, the U.S., the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen. She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University.