Staff Advisory Council (SAC)

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is made up of elected representatives from several units within SBS. Our mission is to bring colleagues together by helping promote positive professional relationships, assisting in the professional growth of our staff, contributing to SBS policy development, and recognizing employees who have risen above the standard to create a positive environment in the college.

SAC meets monthly to identify and implement opportunities to appreciate and support staff while being a resource and liaison to SBS leadership.

Our Purpose

SAC is committed to supporting SBS staff in building impactful careers and opportunities for collaboration. The council serves SBS staff by:

  • Offering guidance on new SBS policies, including drafting a plan for employees wishing to work remotely
  • Building mentorships and an engaging staff community with exciting opportunities like the popular Staff Connections coffee networking
  • Encouraging staff to participate in community giving and outreach opportunities by promoting donations to both the Campus Pantry Food Drive and volunteer efforts for UA Cares
  • Hosting all-staff mixers so we can meet and make connections with like partners across SBS
  • Managing a budget and award process for staff recognition and professional development


For more information, please contact