Shared Governance, Service & Committees

SBS Faculty with Roles in Shared Governance

For 2024-2025, the following SBS faculty have roles in institutional shared governance. Please feel free to reach out to any of them with questions, concerns, or comments.

Shared Governance Committees

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (SPBAC) 

  • Leila Hudson, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (ex officio as Chair of the Faculty)
  • Lori Poloni-Staudinger, Dean College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, SBS Dean’s Representative

Academic Personnel Policy Committee (APPC)

Student Affairs Policy Committee

Committee of 11

  • Leila Hudson, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (ex officio as Chair of the Faculty)

Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (CAFT)

Committee on Conciliation

  • Damián Baca, Mexican American Studies (Committee Vice Chair, 2024-2026)

Constitution & Bylaws Committee

Graduate Council

Research Policy Committee

Shared Governance Review Committee

  • Leila Hudson, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (ex officio as Chair of the Faculty)

Undergraduate Council

University Committee on Ethics & Commitment

University-wide General Education Committee (UWGEC) 

SBS Faculty Advisory Council

Our Faculty Advisory Council advises the Dean on emerging matters of college or university importance. It is an elected body composed of five faculty members (rank open), with representatives across the units.

Find out more about the Faculty Advisory Council.

SBS Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences places critical perspectives on social difference at the very center of our scholarship, teaching, and service. See our statement on Creating a Culture of Belonging.

Open letter to President Robbins regarding freedom of speech and the AZ3

Statement of Support for Native SOAR (Student Outreach, Access, and Resiliency) Students


Looking for a new service opportunity? There are several committees within in SBS that you can consider:

  • Continuing Status & Promotion Committee
  • Diversity & Inclusion Council
  • Faculty Advisory Council
  • Promotion & Tenure Committee
  • Sabbatical Committee

If you are interested in serving on one of the SBS committees, please email Jeannine Relly at (link sends e-mail).