Learning Opportunities

Training Opportunities

Train to be an Ally to individuals identifying as LGBTQ. This online trainings is offered through the LGBTQ Affairs office. Plaque awarded.


Train to be an Ally to undocumented or immigrant students. This one-time, 3-hour, in-person training is offered through the Immigrant Resource Center.


Train to be an Ally to student veterans. This in-person 3-session training is offered through the Veterans Education & Transition Services office.


Implicit bias is an automatic reaction we have towards other people. These attitudes and stereotypes can negatively impact our understanding, actions, and decision-making. Take a test to find out your implicit associations about race, gender, sexual orientation, and other topics!

Take the IAT

Students at the University of Pittsburgh are automatically enrolled in this multidisciplinary course that seeks to provide a broad overview of this rich and dynamic history. Built around the expertise of Pitt faculty and Pittsburgh area activists, this course will introduce students to the established tradition of scholarship focused on the Black experience and Black cultural expression. It also seeks to examine the development, spread, and articulations of anti-Black racism in the United States and around the world. Their website has a syllabi and available class materials.

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LinkedIn Learning Opportunities

Course ID: 0000014247 (28 minutes)

To some degree, we are all biased. Our experiences shape who we are, and our dimensions of diversity—race, ethnicity, gender, height, weight, sexual orientation, place of birth, and other factors—impact the lens through which we view the world. In this course, through compelling examples that explore the most common forms of unconscious bias and its implications, diversity expert Stacey Gordon teaches you to recognize and acknowledge your own biases when making decisions, engaging with colleagues, and working effectively in today's organizations. Stacey reveals the most common forms of unconscious bias—affinity bias, halo bias, perception bias, confirmation bias, and group think—and teaches you the skills to effectively address them.


Course ID: 0000008211 (40 minutes)

Find greater meaning, well-being, and productivity by learning how to interact with others across differences. Continue your Thrive journey and discover how to create inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. In this course, Arianna Huffington and Verna Myers discuss the impact of our cultural lens on our daily relations and how to counter bias in our words and actions.


Course ID: 339540321 (32 minutes)

Learning how to communicate with each other despite our differences is an important skill to have in both your professional and personal life. Discussions about cultural differences can be uncomfortable in the workplace, though, and navigating the terrain can be intimidating and daunting when speaking with colleagues. In this course, Kwame Christian helps you build self-awareness and skills to navigate conversations about culturally sensitive topics and to generally communicate in a culturally sensitive way. Kwame also imparts the skills needed to take responsibility and apologize when you’ve made communication mistakes. He provides a framework of negotiation and conflict resolution skills that empowers you to have difficult conversations while avoiding common pitfalls, and helps you structure these conversations in a way that makes it more likely for you to connect in constructive ways.


Course ID: 0000014248 (55 minutes)

Language shapes the way we understand ourselves, our world, and our relationships. The words we use can create a sense of belonging, but they can also be exclusionary without our realizing it, particularly when they touch on elements of our unique identities such as gender, race and ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and more. In this course, instructor Lori Nishiura Mackenzie shows you how to create and hold space for others by using gender-inclusive language at work. Learn about the importance of inclusive language and how it relates to workplace culture and belonging. Lori walks you through core concepts related to gender, gendered language, binary and nonbinary associations, hierarchies, and archetypes. She demonstrates practical ways to help others feel welcome by you. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with new strategies to incorporate gender-inclusive language into your daily practices at work to foster a sense of belonging for yourself and others around you.


Course ID: 0000011629 (54 minutes)

In this course, Toni Lowe, a sought-after speaker and senior HR leader specializing in diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging, teaches you how to identify and address everyday, subtle, intentional and unintentional actions or behaviors that perpetuate bias toward marginalized groups in the workplace. Toni defines microaggression and identifies the three distinct types of microaggressions: micro assaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations. While the word micro means small, each instance of microaggression has a big impact on the employee experience, physical health, and psychological well-being. Toni provides actionable steps you can take to create safe spaces in the workplace for coping and developing a support system. She discusses how to effectively address past behaviors directly with the offender or through a third party, then walks you through how to deal with microaggressions in real time. Toni concludes with her three-step framework for dealing with microaggression.
